10 reasons why everyone who is available should attend the EDDC TAFF on East Devon Business Forum – 11 December 2012 at 6 pm at the Knowle

28 Nov

This meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 December 2012 in the (tiny) Committee Room at the Knowle at 6 pm.

There are several reasons why it is important to attend this meeting:

1.  This lobby group has had massive influence on how much industrial land has been included in the Local Plan and how much housing there should be and where it should go and this influence should be scrutinised.  Its members are mostly local developers and associated groups with a vested interest in this matter.  The committee is headed by a District Councillor (Graham Brown, Feniton) and serviced by a council officer:  Economic Development Manager, Nigel Harrison, who is a consultee on all planning applications affecting “economic development”, who takes his instructions from EDBF.

2.  EDDC Officer Nigel Harrison has written to EDDC on behalf of EDBF to attempt to remove anyone from the TAFF who might be in the slightest critical of them.  The resolution EDBF passed at their most recent meeting has been passed to EDDC Chief Executive, mark Williams by Nigel Harrison and reads:  “RESOLVED that the Chairman and Honorary Secretary be authorised to write to EDDC and express the Business Forum’s concern if it was found that the membership of the Task and Finish Forum contained members that they considered had preconceived ideas about the Business Forum and its operation.”.  Recall that Councillor Brown tried to insist when the investigation of EDBF was agreed  that a member or members of EDBF should be allowed to sit on the group!

3.  It is likely that EDDC Conservatives loyal to Councillors Brown and Diviani (for similar or different reasons) will attempt to pad this group in advance or on the day with people who want to avoid scrutiny of EDBF at all costs.  If this is tried, it needs to be witnessed and publicised by members of the public.

4.  The public will be able to address the TAFF if they have material evidence for it.  There is MUCH material evidence.

5.  The size of the room will be used as a way of restricting public access.  Use of the Council Chamber has already been requested.  This is a marker that EDDC knows that a larger room is needed and that if too many people turn up to fit in, this is a deliberate attempt to restrict numbers.

6.  It will be an opportunity for you to see which side of the fence some influential councillors are on, which will help you to decide who to vote for at the next election.

7.  The meeting will NOT be recorded by EDDC so we need LOTS of witnesses to agree on what whas said (or not said) at the meeting.  The mis-recording of the minute which set up the TAFF should be a red flag here.

8.  Justice needs to be seen to be done; fairness needs to be seen to operate and legal procedures need to be seen to be followed.

9.  It promises to be a VERY interesting meeting, whatever happens!

10.  This could be history in the making!

For more information please read Claire Wright’s blog on this subject HERE.

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