So, who was the author of the EDBF one page paper at the TAFF?

14 Dec

The paper from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in September 2012 says its author was Nigel Harrison.  He said at the TAFF on Tuesday that he was not the author but he had seen it (and the similar paper presented to the TAFF) but not authored it (even though the September document had his name on it).

Why DIDN’T Mr Harrison author the paper?  After all, he is, after all, the expert having attended almost every meeting of EDBF as its Honorary Secretary and fielding all enquiries about EDBF from members of the public and press from his EDDC office.  Why would he delegate this important task to someone else?  How would they know what to put in it?  What DOES he do if he doesn’t do important things like this?

Frankly, anyone could have written it with the total lack of information it contained.

Why did it not list EDBF’s achievements in the eight years it has been meeting- now that would be a very interesting (though very short!) list!  Planning policy, planning policy, planning policy.

This “joint body” can discuss EDDC planning policy (with EDDC councillors at EDBF taking a central role) but its own councillors cannot discuss it at their own council meetings – what a strange world we live in here in East Devon.

Overview and SCRUTINY – you are having a laugh aren’t you?

One Response to “So, who was the author of the EDBF one page paper at the TAFF?”

  1. Mike Temple aka John Betjeman above December 14, 2012 at 12:31 pm #

    And may we know if Mr Harrison, Economic Development Officer aka Hon Sec East Devon Business Forum, who normally takes such an interest in job issues, has anything to say about the proposed job-losses resulting from the Knowle development?

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