Can you refuse developers when you have no 5/6 year land supply? Possibly

3 Sep

An interesting item on the influential planning blog “Decisions, Decisions, Decisions” about a plaintive complaint from Horsham District Council (which has a 5 year land supply deficiency) that they are being forced to build more houses than they need.

The planning consultant who runs the blog comprehensively dismisses  the points made by Horsham but does make the following point:

The government has now published in its Beta guidance guidance on prematurity, this largely repeats the extant guidance from ‘Planning system general principles’ and both suggest that plans prior to submission have some but limited weight.  If Horsham were successfully able to argue that development would be of such a scale to preempt the plan making process and that the draft plan had a high degree of conformity with the NPPF they stand a strong chance on appeal.  

Surely this should be the case in Feniton and possibly elsewhere.

The beta guidance referred to has a link in yesterday’s post here on this matter.

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