Fewer safeguards means an increased corruption risk in local government

10 Oct

A very thought-provoking report by Transparency International UK

A Guardian Online report says:

Transparency International believes that mechanisms to control the conduct of politicians “have been cast aside in the aggressive cut and thrust of modern-day politics” leading to scandals such as MPs’ expenses and “continuing worries” over lobbying by commercial firms.

The group cautions that “there is a particular danger that hasty institutional changes and cuts in specific areas of government expenditure may, as an unintended consequence, create an environment that greatly increases the risk of corruption”. It says that it is “seriously concerned” that ministers plan to abolish the Audit Commission, the watchdog that monitors local government and NHS spending, and “that plans for its replacement seem ill thought-through”. Eric Pickles, the communities and local government secretary, wants private auditors to take over this work instead.

...Some of our most trusted institutions are vulnerable, and there are inadequate procedures to detect and prevent corruption”.

The full report can be downloaded HERE.

We only have to think of the current and recent past scandal(s) in our own backyard to know that many (if not all) of the points made in the report apply to our district.

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