Appeal for support for small businesses in East Devon

13 Nov


It is worth giving extra publicity to one of the comments to a post below from Paul Heyward of Axminster:

In light of recent posts regarding SME’s and their contribution to the Devon economy, could I possibly ask SIN to publicise SmallBizSat on December 7th which aims to promote small businesses around the UK. Most East Devon chambers of commerce are getting on board ( def. Axminster ) and we are trying to convince East Devon DC that free parking across the district on that day would generate tremendous goodwill, and financial benefit for all local retailers, businesses etc.

Many, many councils across the UK have seen the light already and are waiving all parking charges for the ENTIRE day and it would be great if SIN / SOS could use its network to diseminate the news about SBS so that all our town and villages benefit from a swell in sales. Plus it would be great to see every town centre full and throbbing with activity after 12 noon with tills ringing, coffee cups clinking & people chatting.

Your readers can search for information on Twitter, Facebook, Google or contact their local chamber of commerce / town clerks. Shops and businesses are being asked to display window posters, decals, counter stands, stickers – whatever – to promote the day and help bring vibrancy and activity back into our town centres. I have emailed the economy portfolio holder at EDDC and I am sure they will do everything possible to promote something that will help our local economies. Many Thanks. Paul

One Response to “Appeal for support for small businesses in East Devon”

  1. Paul Hayward November 13, 2013 at 9:54 am #

    Thank you SIN

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