Whiff (Whip??) of conspiracy?

3 Dec

Could there be a plot to discredit Roger Giles the popular and doughty Independent Ottery Town and District Councillor?

First on Friday 29th November Tory Whip  Phil (“I’ve never whipped anyone in my life”) Twiss  insulted Roger in a letter to the Sidmouth Herald implying  that he rarely does anything “tangible and beneficial for his local community”.

 And last night  he was subjected to a kangaroo court of Ottery councillors who find him “guilty” of the preposterous charge of revealing “confidential” information about a meeting between developers and Ottery councillors.



SIN-ers will certainly recall earlier attempts by Tory councillors to bully Cllr Giles. Mike Allen, for example, in 2012 was found guilty  by EDDC’s Standards Committee of failing to treat him with respect by trying to stop him speaking at a meeting of the Local Plan Panel.

SIN also recalls Cllr Giles’ high number of votes at the last election….is that the real issue behind these shameful goings-on?

3 Responses to “Whiff (Whip??) of conspiracy?”

  1. Sandra Semple December 3, 2013 at 7:38 pm #

    They must be really desperate to take the spotlight off their own disgusting behaviour.

  2. Not A Developer December 3, 2013 at 9:16 pm #

    Wonder whose twissted idea of a dirty trick that was?

  3. Media Mandy December 3, 2013 at 10:42 pm #

    My question: what town council keeps a district and county councillor out of the loop? What are they trying to hide?

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