Should Tories try to whip Independent councillors?

15 Jan

It would seem so from the exchange of comments  here:

It seems they don’t succumb to the whip themselves ever (according to their Whip Councillor Twiss) but attempt to whip anyone who has the temerity to disagree with them outside The Party.

Do they not understand that Independent actually means independent?

And why not use their own blogs to push their own views?

Sidmouth INDEPENDENT News – and proud of it!

2 Responses to “Should Tories try to whip Independent councillors?”

  1. Media Mandy January 16, 2014 at 3:38 pm #

    I cannot understand our Tory councillors. In Parliament we see that MPs of all parties have many and differing views within their own party. They robustly debate these issues, speak about them loudly and clearly even when they go against their Leader’s wishes.

    Here in East Devon we seem to have a bunch of robots pre-programmed to agree with everything sent down from on high. Even councillors who used to be quite vocal and interesting and stimulating have now totally shut up.

    This is NOT what we want from our councillors. But does what we want count any longer?

    • Conrad Black January 16, 2014 at 11:00 pm #

      What is truly astonishing is the attempt to push through a budget of £400,000 on moving the Knowle without any documentation or justification. To ignore proper processes and just push through any old thing they want shows how morally bankrupt the current council is. There are plenty of more deserving projects that can be justified instead of one that cannot.

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