Asda for Honiton Heathpark? That would explain EDDC not choosing the site

16 Feb

Interesting bit on the Midweek Herald local chat sidebar from Colin


Today’s Mid Week report certainly mentions a supermarket interested in EDDC’s site on Heathpark. I doubt that it’s been sold for a ‘nominal sum’ though, the report also alludes to EDDC looking to the sale to defray their costs in relocating to Skypark which seems to be the most likely new site now.
Lots of wheeling/dealing going on behind closed doors, that’s democracy – UK style.
“Welcome to Honiton, the supermarket, antique shops, charity shops centre of the UK.”

My ‘source’ tells me £3 million has been agreed, and it’s already a done deal.

Only time will tell if it’s true or not.


That might explain the haste to go to Skypark, where rumour has it tenants are very much needed.

2 Responses to “Asda for Honiton Heathpark? That would explain EDDC not choosing the site”

  1. jessica bailey February 16, 2014 at 3:37 pm #

    It did strike me as very strange that in his interview Cllr Diviani didn’t provide a single reason why Skypark was top of the list of 15 possible locations for EDDC headquarters. Skypark must score very poorly when measured against other options, in terms of accessibility, so what are the other criteria it scores so well in? Has an analysis of all the different options been made available to the public?

  2. Media Mandy February 16, 2014 at 4:01 pm #

    Available to the public! In East Devon! An oxymoron if ever there were one!

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